Our Lifestyle Blog — Intention
Caring for Your Crystals BY Vanessa
Cleansing & Purification Crystal Healing Crystals Daily Practice Energy Energy Work Intention Intuition Magic Natural Personal Practice Spirituality Vibration

Science has confirmed that everything in the universe, the entire world around us, is made up of energy particles in constant motion - which do not rest - and which have the ability to affect/influence their surroundings. On a molecular level, these moving particles create specific energy patterns which make up both living and inanimate objects in the natural world, as well as our very own human body and is what uniquely distinguishes one species of plant or animal, or one person from another. Adding another layer to this concept is the idea that thoughts and feelings also carry an energetic charge in the body, able to influence one's energy system or "aura" as well as the surrounding environment. Quantum physics is an immense topic on its own but very simply put, we are made of energy and are surrounded and impacted by a vast range of vibrations out there!