Initially conjured up by Monica Bodirsky in 2017, WITCHfest North is a month-long Toronto festival celebrating women in the arts who identify as Witches, Wiccans and Pagans but open for all to attend and participate!
For a third year in a row - Wonderworks has hosted the official Kick Off Party! This was held outdoors at our new location and despite the rain, many lovely faces still came out to enjoy delicious food, raffles and prizes, great music and connect with other members of this diverse community! It was a blast - watch a clip of our night here.
Tonight, Wonderworks is hosting another WFN workshop with Katrina Wynn on Tarot and Sex Magic! There are still a few spots left. For more information, see our event calendar here.
WFN includes an annual curated art exhibition, movie screening, a witch walk, divination events, the annual Toronto Witches’ Ball, craft vendors, workshops with international presenters, and CATS (Coffee and Tarot Society) - tarot readers placed in various coffee shops throughout the city. The events highlight the wisdom and creative talents of our community.
The entire month of October is jam packed with something to suit everyone from the witch-curious to the intermediate practitioner with decades of experience. Find the event calendar and more about festival offerings at and their Facebook page!
Monica Bodirsky is an artist, author, educator, seer and rootworking witch, her desire to create visibility and foster community inspired the creation of WITCHfest North Festival of Arts and Culture in Toronto. With programming for the full month of October, events include the Toronto Witches’ Ball, Wickedly Divine, art exhibitions, craft vending, community rituals, walks, workshops, and panel discussions. The festival’s vision is to unite witches, pagans, rootworkers, ATR practitioners, wiccans and earth based spiritualists of all ages, beliefs, gender identities, nations and individual points of view to come together as a community to share similarities and celebrate diversity.
Read more about her work at